The Foundation Program

The “Foundation” is Darryl Hickman’s “Unconscious Actor” process designed to give actors control of their own performances.  What good is any teacher if you have to bring them to set, or stage for every role you do?  The old “Teach a man to fish” proverb rings true with the “Foundation” and the confidence that comes from knowing you’re giving the best performance you are capable of every time is a game changer.  It is not easy; it is the definition of the “road less traveled” but…if you are willing to do the work, you can and will achieve mastery of your own process.  You can’t have a million dollar dream with a minimum wage work ethic.

Actors will be on a play reading program to sharpen skills in script analysis, and performance development, and will pick their own material for scene work and monologues.  Scenes and monologues should be worked on outside of class and then, utilizing the process, refined and perfected.  Each piece of material worked on contributes to mastering the process.  Every student works every class; either a scene, monologue, or both.

Michael David Simms Headshot
Michael David Simms Teaching

Class Structure

The first 10 week session is an introduction to the program.  It will concentrate on the exercise portion of the class initially, and familiarize the student with the class process.  A monologue must be learned. If you do not have one, one will be provided for you.  

Scenes and scene partners should be selected, and work begun on them from the first week.  As soon as possible, (other than when exercises only are assigned) new students should begin to bring in scenes and formal monologue work.

In subsequent sessions, the course will be open to working exercises, monologues or scenes, as the student prefers. If a student does not have a scene or monologue prepared, the student will work an exercise.

Michael David Simms Teaching
  • The Foundation Program is ongoing but is sold in 10 week sessions.

  • 656.25 CAD (includes tax) per 10 week session. Payment plans available.

  • Classes meet at 6:30 PM, either Wednesday or Friday, for approximately 4 hours.

Interested students are welcome to apply to audition for the class at any time by submitting a headshot, resume, and/or a link to a demo reel to